Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Taking the L.E.A.D. - The Creative J Goes to Washington

Rachel Valdez
Certified Advertising Specialist
The Creative J

Next week, May 20-21, 2015, Rachel Valdez of The Creative J will join the Promotional Products Association International in Washington, D.C., to meet with members of Congress and federal agencies for the sixth annual PPAI L.E.A.D. (Legislative Education  and Action Day). Rachel was selected as one of only three members from the Midwest region to represent the industry!

The PPAI L.E.A.D. is a gathering of PPAI leadership, members and industry professionals from around the country who come together in Washington, D.C. (in-person and virtually) to educate Congress on industry-critical issues as well as the power, impact and job-generating value of promotional products. PPAI is the world’s largest and oldest not-for-profit association serving more than 11,000 corporate members of the $19.8 billion promotional products industry which is comprised of more than 33,741 businesses and a workforce of nearly 500,000 professionals.

During PPAI L.E.A.D., nearly 78 advocates from 30 states will conduct more than 250 meetings with senators, congressional representatives and their legislative staffs on Capitol Hill.

One issue this delegation will be addressing is the proposal by congress to treat advertising expenses as only 50% deductible during the year they are spent, with the remaining 50% spread out over five or ten years. Not being able to claim items such as print and media advertising, business cards, website development, promotional products and other marketing and advertising items will greatly affect how businesses operate. In addition, it would make a major impact on all areas of the advertising community. 

For more on how promotional products and advertising are a vital part of the economy, and how current and proposed legislation can impact not only this specific industry, but the businesses which rely on it as a vehicle for their own success, you can download and read the PPAI Legislative Agenda for 2015.

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